This function is used to manage myPak drug database.
Create a step-by-step guide:
Select Drugs
Select New to add a new drug to the database
Select Search to locate drugs either by scanning the barcode or entering the drug name. Double click on drug entry to view its details
Drug details:
Edit drug details if required
Add barcodes (APN) to drug for scanning
Add a drug to a Drug Group to include in Drug Usage Report
Set a drug as an Authorised Drug for the Alpaca Canister (highlighted in orange) or manual packing drugs (highlighted in green)
Generate a drug usage report to indicate all patients on this drug and their respective facilities
Tick Use the following drug name for printing to alter the name to be displayed on foils, reports and signing sheet
To add alerts for a specific drug, select from the drop down or manually enter your own drug warning. This alert will print on your foils/labels for patients who are on the selected drug.
It is recommended NOT to delete any drug entries from the database. Please refer to myPak Support Team if you wish to do so. |
The content by label feature displays related articles automatically, based on labels you choose. To edit options for this feature, select the placeholder below and tap the pencil icon.