Setting up Initial Shelf Balance

Setting up Initial Shelf Balance

Select Stock Management tab to set up your initial Shelf Balance

There are 2 ways to enter initial shelf balance:

Option 1: Add the drug total from your Patient Virtual Pill Balance.

  1. select Options

  2. Select Add drug total from Patient Balance Area if you wish to add the combined total of each patient’s medication from Patient’s Virtual Pill Balance.

  3. Select Ok.

Before you add the combined total balance, you can view balance by selecting Virtual Pill Balance → Patient Balance → Balance Report By Medication.

Option 2: Count the balance on your shelf and enter manually.

  1. Select Options

  2. Select Export Stock Levels - this will export a list of your existing drugs on your packing bay onto a spreadsheet for you to enter the initial shelf balance.

  3. Enter initial balance into column D.

  4. Save your file in your selected location.

  5. Then select Options → Import Stock Levels, select your saved file and select open.

  6. Your balance will then be imported as your initial stock balance.

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