Packing FAQ

Packing FAQ

  • How do I revert the packed QTY back to not packed?

To reverse the packed balance from being subtracted, double click on the drug highlighted in GREEN. The drug will no longer be highlighted and the QTY packed is now 0. This can only be done before Record Packed has been selected.


  • I have selected number of pack weeks and start date but why do all the drugs appear GREEN

Drugs highlighted GREEN indicates they’ve been packed. Check the start date selected matches the start date on your foil.


  • I have scanned a drug and the following warning pops up “WARNING - Unable to find matched drug”.

The drug scanned does NOT belong in the patient’s profile. Select the correct medication and re-scan again. The barcode may be incorrect. (See below how to manage barcodes)


  • I am packing my own store brand drug; how do I add the barcode to the drug?

Follow the following steps to manage barcodes:

  1. In Administration, select Drugs

  2. Select Search

  3. Select Drug

  4. Select APN tab

  5. Scan new barcode into Enter an APN to associate then select Add or Delete selected


  • What if I am packing a part week? How do I adjust the total QTY to pack?

Once the correct medication has been scanned, manually adjust the QTY field to reflect the amount you wish to subtract.

  • Can I leave the packing screen to use another function within the software?

It is recommended to complete packing the blister before proceeding to the next task to minimize packing errors. A pop-up warning will appear warning you that there are outstanding drugs that have yet to be scanned and packed. Any drugs that have been confirmed must be reversed before exiting. You will need to re-scan those packed medications again. Alternatively, complete the pack.

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