Release Notes September 2024

Release Notes September 2024

New Features:

The new release brings improvements and enhancements based on feedback received from our customers. Details of some of the key changes are below.

Improved Trifold Packs for the Vision Impaired!

We’ve enhanced our Trifold Packs to be clearer for the vision impaired, promoting safer medication administration and reducing the risk of errors.


Packing Management

NEW Alerts in Checking Phase

We’ve added alerts in the checking phase. Now, text will appear in red to indicate that a drug has not been scanned for verification and has been manually confirmed, ensuring greater accuracy and safety.


Enhanced Barcode Scanning in Packing!

Thanks to your feedback, we’ve improved the barcode scanning process during packing. Previously, the scanner could override the QTY to deduct from the Patient's Virtual Pill Balance. Now, once you’ve scanned the medication barcode, the cursor will stay in the barcode field to prevent incorrect QTYs from being deducted. Accurate and efficient!

Improved Brand Swap Notes!

Now, when you swap brands, a comment indicating the previous brand will be displayed in the note of the ceased drug. This provides a quick reference to understand why the drug was changed.

Enhanced Patient Changes Log!

We’ve improved the Patient Changes Log to provide a clear and precise historical record of changes made to a patient’s medication profile over a specified period. This helps you track and review patient updates more effectively, ensuring better accuracy and care.

Issues Resolved:

  • Non-Packed PRN items are now printing on PRN Signing Sheet.

  • Fortnight & Monthly Medico packs will no longer print dates on pack.

  • Incorrect days of the week displayed in packing now resolved.

  • Non-Daily frequency drugs are now displayed correctly on Signing Sheet.

We value your feedback and are always looking to improve the software.

For all suggestions and feedback please email us at support@mypaksolutions.com.au

If you would like to know more about the new features listed, please call us for a full demonstration.