Prescriptions dispensed as an owing in your Dispense Software are given a blue Owing label in Dispense Tracker. There are 2 methods to manage owing prescriptions.
Complete reconciliation in Dispense Software by deleting original supply (owing) dated 19th March.
Process the new script dated 2nd April, to reconcile the original supply on 19th March.
In Dispense Tracker, select the date range to cover the dispensing period between the date of original supply and dispense date of new script (E.g. 19th March to 2nd April).
Click Apply. Using the relevant filters, you could narrow the search results to the specific patient and drug.
Two separate entries for the same drug will display for this patient.
One entry will be labelled Cancelled (in redpink) as it has been cancelled in your Dispense Software, and
One entry will be labelled New (in green), indicating the new script that was dispensed.
Import both the Cancelled script and New script to reconcile patient balance.
Method 2:
Where necessary, dispense owing prescription in your Dispense Software.
Only import scripts in Dispense Tracker after the script has been reconciled in Dispense Software.
Collect stock to continue packing for patient.
Complete owing mark off in Dispense Software as normal.
In Dispense Tracker, search scripts within the date range of original date of supply (E.g. 2nd May).
You will now see an entry that is highlighted green to indicate new script.
Click Import Selected Scripts to update Patient Balance.
Complete reconciliation in Dispense Software by deleting original supply (owing) dated 2nd May.
Process the new script dated 14th May, to reconcile the original supply on 2nd May.
In Dispense Tracker, search scripts within the date range of the new script that has just been dispensed (E.g. 14th May). You can narrow your search down to specific patient and drug.
You will now see an entry that is highlighted green to indicate the new script dispensed today.
Click Import Selected Scripts to update Patient Balance.