

This feature is not available in myPak NG Starter.

This feature is used to send all required prescriptions to your dispense software to be queued for dispensing.

This function is currently only available with Z Dispense and Minfos.

Let’s go through some of the features on this page that will assist you with navigating QScript.

  1. Patient Group filter

  2. Patient filter

  3. Script filter: Display prescriptions according to chosen selection.

    1. Insufficient Pill Balance

    2. Negative Pill Balance

    3. Dispensed over 20 days ago: Prescriptions dispensed > 20 days from Last Dispense Import.

    4. Packed PRN Drugs: Include Packed PRN Drugs.

  4. Pack Cycle

  5. Pack Start Date

  6. QScript button: Send all selected prescriptions to your dispense software to be queued for dispensing.


Follow the steps below to send QScript:

  1. From the left menu bar, select QScript.

  2. Select Patient Groups and/or patients in the filters, if applicable.

  3. Select the applicable Script filters.

  4. Select number of weeks from the drop-down menu.

  5. Select the appropriate Pack Start Date by clicking on the calendar icon.

  6. All prescriptions fulfil your selection criteria will be auto-selected.

  7. Select QScript to send all selected prescriptions to your dispense software to be queued for dispensing. This will generate 1 or 2 reports:

    1. QScript Report lists prescriptions with repeats.

    2. QScript Report: Items not queued lists prescriptions with no repeats.

Proceed to dispense queued prescriptions in your dispense software.

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