Drug Alerts

Drug Alerts

Adding alerts to patient profiles

  • Patients with only one drug with a saved alert: Alert will automatically be displayed in the Alert text box.

  • Patients with 2 or more drugs with a saved alert: Select Alert will be displayed in the notes column to indicate this drug has an allocated Alert. You can then select which Alert to print by selecting one from the drop down.


Please note due to the available space there can only be 1 selected Alert to be printed on myPak foils/Trifold Labels.

Printing Drug Alerts on myPak Foils and Trifold Labels

myPak Foils

In order to print the selected drug alerts on your myPak foils, you will need to turn on the setting.

  1. Select Printing and Sending

  2. Select Options

  3. Select myPak Solid/Perf tab

  4. Tick the option “Print drug alert”

See below to see the location the Alert will print on your myPak Foil.

myPak Trifold Label

No settings are required to print Alerts on myPak Trifold labels.

Alerts will print on one of the spare labels on myPak Trifold labels. You can then apply that label where you see fit on the pack.


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