Authorised Drugs

Authorised Drugs

You can assign drugs to be Authorised to indicate preferred brands to be used.


  1. Select Drugs

  2. Leave the search field blank if you wish to search for all drugs or type in the drug name or scan the barcode.

  3. Select Search.

  4. Double click on the drug you wish to set the preferred flag.

  5. Select the applicable option from the drop down box.

    1. Yes - Manual will highlight the drug in yellow.

    2. Yes - Canister will highlight the drug in green.

  6. Select Save.

Canisters are only applicable for Automation - Alpaca users.

We suggest each time a canister is no longer in use, remove the authorised selection of Yes - Canister.

When you’ve received a new canister it is suggested you apply the authorised selection of Yes - Canister, to keep your staff informed when selecting drugs to enter into patient’s profiles.

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