Getting Started

Getting Started

Before you start using the myPak software, you are required to create User profiles to give your staff access.


  1. Select myPak Software icon to open software

  2. Enter the below admin user log in details

  3. Select Login

  4. Select User Management

  5. Select Roles tab to create roles with specific access, relevant to the various roles within the Pharmacy

  6. Select New

  7. Enter Role Name and tick the relevant boxes to grant specific access

  8. Select Save & Exit

  9. Select Users tab to create users and link to applicable role that you have just created

  10. Select New

  11. Enter User details by completing all the applicable fields

  12. Select Save & Exit

Please note the password is case sensitive.


Getting Started Video Link: https://mypaksolution.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/EYSqjqQR1hNEkgwNThBJ73kBDj3l-hg-PTlV79L68CAZjQ

Resetting your password


  1. Select User Management

  2. Select on the user details you wish to reset password

  3. Select Reset Password

  4. Complete the fields with the new password you wish to save for this user.

  5. Select Save & Exit.

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