Managing Owing Scripts in Dispense Tracker

Managing Owing Scripts in Dispense Tracker

Scripts dispensed as owing will appear as blue in Dispense Tracker. There are 2 methods to manage owing scripts.

Method 1:

  1. Dispense scripts as owing in your Dispense System.

  2. Import scripts highlighted as blue in Dispense Tracker to update patient’s VPB.

  3. Supply stock to patient.

Reconciling Owing Scripts Scenario 1:

Reconciling owing scripts when date of script is within 7 days of original date of supply. E.g. Original date of supply is 24th January and date of script is 26th January.

  1. Mark off supply dated 24th January with script dated 26th January in Dispense System.

  2. No action is required in myPak in Dispense tracker as script status will change from owing to regular.

  3. Balance remains the same in Patient’s VPB.

Reconcile Owing Scripts Scenario 2:

Reconciling owing scripts when date of script is outside 7 days of original date of supply. E.g. Original date of supply: 10th January and date of script is 24th January – 2 weeks later.

  1. Delete original supply dated 10th January in your Dispense System.

  2. Re-dispense the new script dated 24th January as a new supply reconciling the original supplied 10th January.

  3. In myPak Dispense Tracker, fetch scripts within the date range of original date of supply (E.g. 10th January) and date of new script (E.g. 24th January) dispensed. You can narrow your search down to the specific patient and drug.

  4. You will now see an entry that is highlighted red as it’s been cancelled and an entry that is green indicating the new script that was dispensed.

  5. Import both the cancelled script highlighted in red and the new script highlighted in green to reconcile balance in Patient Balance.

Method 2:

  1. Dispense scripts as owing in your Dispense System.

  2. Only import scripts in Dispense Tracker once the script has been reconciled.

Reconciling Owing Scripts Scenario 1:

Reconciling Owing scripts when date of supply is within 7 days of original date of supply. E.g. Original date of supply is 10th January and date of script is 12th January.

  1. Mark off script supplied 10th January with script dated 12th January in Dispense System.

  2. In myPak Dispense Tracker, fetch scripts within the date range of original date of supply (E.g. 10th January).

  3. You will now see an entry that is highlighted green to indicate new script.

  4. Import script to update Patient Balance.

Reconciling Owing Scripts Scenario 2:

Reconciling owing scripts when date of script is outside 7 days of original date of supply. E.g. Original date of supply: 10th January and date of script is 24th January – 2 weeks later.

  1. Delete original supply dated 10th January in your dispense system and re-dispense the new script dated 24th January as a new supply reconciling the original supplied 10th January.

  2. In myPak Dispense Tracker, fetch scripts within the date range of the new script that has just been dispensed (E.g. 24th January). You can narrow your search down to specific patient and drug.

  3. You will now see an entry that is highlighted green to indicate the new script dispensed today.

  4. Import script to update Patient Balance.


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