Inactive Patients

Inactive Patients

Patient’s status could vary, due to hospital admissions, discharges or sadly, deceased.


Below are steps on how you can manage the patient’s status:

  1. Select Patient from the patient list

  2. De-select Active to change the status to Inactive

    1. It is advised you only make a patient inactive when you have ceased service for the patient as this will cease all drugs in the patient’s profile.

    2. In the instance where an inactive patient returns, select Active to activate patient again then recommence the relevant drugs.

  3. Select Paused for patients who you wish to temporarily pause packing. E.g. In Hospital, Social Leave.

  4. Select Deceased if applicable.

  5. Select Save & Exit


De-activating a patient will mark all the medication in the profile as ceased. You will need to manually re-activate the medications when the patient’s status is changed to active again.

Search for Inactive Patients

  1. Select on Options from the Patient List screen

  2. Select the option Show Patients with inactive profiles

  3. Inactive Patients will appear highlighted in red

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