Packing Bay Maintenance

Packing Bay Maintenance

Adding new drug locations to your Packing Bay

There will be times where your patients have been prescribed a new medication that currently doesn’t have a location on your shelf. Follow the below steps on how to add a new drug location.

  1. Select Check for changes to display new drugs to be assigned to your packing bay. These drugs will be highlighted in green at the bottom of your list.

    1. Tick Include Pause Patients in Scan if you wish to include Paused Patients profiles.

  2. Select Assign Location to assign new drug locations to your packing bay. They will be added to the end of list so your existing drug locations do not need to be moved/reshuffled. Click here if you would like to reshuffle your shelf.

    1. A warning will ask you to confirm proceeding with this change. Select Yes or No.


  3. Select Print Shelf Labels to print additional labels for the new assigned drugs.

To remove drug from existing location

  1. Select the X on the drug you wish to remove from your packing bay.

  2. Select Yes or No to complete this operation.

  3. Drug location will now be empty.

Removing a drug in its existing location will also remove the drug’s current stock balance.


Editing existing drug locations on your Packing Bay

To move current drug locations:

  1. Select on an existing drug location.

  2. Enter the new location.

  3. Select Save.



To edit existing drug location:

  1. Double click on an existing drug location to replace another drug into this location.

  2. Enter drug name, drug code or scan barcode into search field.

  3. Select drug from search results then select save.

  4. Drug and location have been updated. Select OK.

  5. Select Assign Location to save drug location.

  6. Warning will appear for you to confirm to overwrite previous drug location assignments. Select YES or NO.

  7. If you have changed your mind and select NO, as you navigate away, a warning will ask you again if you would like to exit and lose changes. Select OK to lose changes OR Select Cancel to go back and save assign locations.

Balance of previous drug will be lost. Please ensure you check the Stock Management area for the current balance.

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