Generate Stock Forecast for your packing bay

Generate Stock Forecast for your packing bay


  1. Insert the Packing Start Date for your next packing cycle.

  2. Insert the number of weeks to be packed.

  3. Select Generate Stock Forecast to populate a list of drugs required to pack the next packing cycle.

  4. Select Print to print the Stock Forecast Report.

  5. Use the Stock Forecast Report to pick the required stock from your dispensary to be placed in your packing bay ready to be packed.

Updating Shelf Balance

  1. To update shelf balance, select drug then Add >>.

    1. Alternatively, select Highlight All to select all drug balances to be updated.

    2. Enter in the additional balance to be added in New Pack Size column

  2. To update select drug’s shelf balance, select ctrl (on your keyboard) and select specific drugs to add drug balance to stock table.

Managing Current Stock Balance

On Current Stock Table, select History to view a log of all balance activity related to selected medication.

  • Print History: Print a report of the log based on your selected date range

  • Manual Adjust: Manually Add or Subtract Stock Levels.

Negative Balance will be counted as 0 as it is not physically possible to have a negative balance on your shelf.

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