Roles & User Management

Roles & User Management


We have created default roles, however you have the option to create additional Roles and manage access permissions for each role.


Follow the steps below to manage and add new roles:

  1. From the left menu bar, select Administration → Roles.

  2. A list of default roles will display on screen.

  3. Select Add Role on the top right corner to create a new role.

    1. Enter the name of this role in the Name field.

  4. Select the applicable tick boxes to allow access for this role.

  5. There are 3 permission options:

    1. Create

    2. Update

    3. Delete

  6. You have the ability to change access permissions of an existing role. Select on the role, and click Edit.

  7. To delete a role, select on the role, and click Edit. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Delete.
    Note: You cannot delete a role if there are existing users assigned to this role.

Other functions:

  • User Count: The number of users assigned to this role

  • View Users: To view the users assigned to this role


It is recommended that each staff member has their individual user login details in order to track and record activities completed on the application.


Follow the steps below to manage and add new users:

  1. From the left menu bar, select Administration → Users.

  2. Select Add User.

    1. Completed all mandatory fields:

      1. First Name

      2. Last Name

      3. Email *personal email address preferred

      4. Username *must be unique

      5. Selected Roles - select a role from the drop down menu

  3. Click Save.

  4. An email from Mypak Support will be sent to the nominated email, with a link to reset your password.

    1. Alternatively, select on the user from the list, and click on Change User Password.

    2. Enter a password *Password must be at least 6 characters.

    3. Or you could select Generate to populate a random password.

  5. Select Save.

Select Resend Password Email to receive an email to reset password to the nominated email.

Ensure you check your Junk email to see if you’ve received the email. Follow the prompts in the email to reset your password.

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