Doctors & Emergency Contacts

Doctors & Emergency Contacts

You can manage your Patient’s Doctor’s details and other contacts in this tab.



Follow the steps below to add doctors to your patient’s' profile.

  1. Select patient from Patient List.

  2. Click Doctors & Contacts tab.

  3. Under Doctors section, click Add Doctor.

  4. You can search for a doctor in the search field.

  5. Select the doctor from list.

    1. If the doctor is not listed, you can create a new profile for the doctor by clicking Add New Doctor.

    2. You will be redirected to Doctors page to complete profile setup. Follow the instructions here.

  6. Click the tick box Print if you wish to print this doctor’s details on reports, charts and signing sheets for the patient.

  7. Assign the priority for this doctor using the arrows.

  8. Select Add.


To unassign a doctor from the patient, simply select the Red Bin icon next to the doctor.


Emergency Contacts


Follow the steps below to add contacts for your patient:

  1. Select patient from Patient List.

  2. Click Doctors & Contacts tab.

  3. Under Emergency Contacts section, select Add Contact.

  4. Complete the mandatory fields for the contact.

  5. Click Add.

To remove a contact from your patient, simply select the Red Bin icon beside the applicable contact.


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