Manual Adjust Balance

Manual Adjust Balance

Each time you import, update or manually adjust patient’s pill balance, a log is created and saved. It can be viewed in Virtual Pill Balance Logs.


Follow the steps below on how to manually adjust patient’s pill balance:

  1. From the left menu bar, select Virtual Pill Balance.

  2. Select the Pencil icon in the Current Balance column beside the drug’s balance you wish to manually adjust.

  3. Complete the mandatory fields.
    Note: You can enter a reason for the update. This will display in the Logs under Note for future reference.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Select Log to view the record of transactions of all activities related to the selected drug’s balance. Actions (Pack, Manually Adjusted, Imported from dispense) are indicated with details in Notes.

  6. Select Revert if you wish to reverse the activity.

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