Drug Usage Report

Drug Usage Report


Follow the steps below to generate Drug Usage Report:

  1. From the left menu bar, select Administration → Drugs.

  2. Search the drug in the search bar by either typing the brand name, drug name or drug code.

  3. Select the drug.

  4. Click on Drug Usage Report tab.

  5. Use the filters to adjust your selection criteria:

  1. Patient Group: All Patient Groups are selected by default. Select Patient Group(s) from the drop-down box, if applicable.

  2. Date Range: This is default to the one month before today’s date. You can adjust the date range by choosing the respective dates accordingly to capture more/less data, if necessary.

  3. Patient Balance: Click on tick box to include patient’s VPB on the report.

  4. Sort Order: Report is sorted by patients' Last Name by default.

  1. Select Print to generate the report.

  2. Click on Printer icon to print, or Download icon to download & save the report.


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